
Sparking Passion and Delivering Excellence

At the heart of my professional journey lies a profound commitment to delighting stakeholders and empowering my teams. I believe that true success is measured not just by delivering on time, on scope, and on budget, but by creating experiences that exceed expectations and foster lasting relationships.

Case Study: Amazon

As the technical lead for Amazon’s partner education portal at Intellum, I embraced the challenge of a large-scale employee and partner education project. Integrating internal SSO and content delivery across a global platform required more than just technical prowess—it demanded a deep understanding of stakeholder needs and a dedication to creating value at every step. In addition to the scoped implementation challenges, the project was also impacted by The Great Firewall of China, which could have significantly derailed the schedule, had it not been for our creative problem solving and responsiveness. My approach ensured that the project wasn’t just completed successfully, but that it also soidified an enduring relationship with one of Intellum’s largest customers.

Case Study: Waymo (Alphabet)

When Waymo (Alphabet’s self driving car subsidiary) needed a way to sign test drivers up in the field, my team responded quickly with innovative solutions. Through empathetic listening and creative problem solving, we were able to implement a loosely coupled integration between Google’s OAuth2 SSO, Intellum’s LMS and the custom software that Waymo instructors use in the field. Not only was Waymo a fantastic and long-tern customer of Intellum, it was incredible to be solving problems that will literally drive the future.

My passion for project management is grounded in Agile methodologies which enable me to adapt and innovate in real-time, ensuring that every project is a dynamic journey towards excellence. I thrive on the excitement of turning complex challenges into rewarding successes, always with an eye towards delighting those I serve.

If you’re seeking a leader who is wildly capable, resilient, and dedicated to creating impactful, memorable experiences, let’s connect. Together, we can ignite the potential within your organization and achieve extraordinary results.

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